
Accreditations & Memberships

Tandem Friends School is accredited by and/or participates as members in the following organizations. Click on the associated link to visit that organization's website.

Friends Council on Education - Tandem Friends School is a member of the Friends Council on Education, which provides leadership in drawing Friends schools together in unity of spirit and cooperative endeavors. Friends Council's work nurtures the Quaker life of schools, strengthens the network of support across schools, promotes Friends education through consultations, programs, and publications, and assists in the establishment of new Friends schools. Friends Council helps Friends schools maintain their Quaker identity and ethos, and their relationship with the Religious Society of Friends. Friends Council promotes professional growth for trustees, heads, administrators, and faculty to further the goals of Quaker education, and serves as a voice for Friends schools in the national dialogue on education. Visit http://www.friendscouncil.org/.

VAIS - Tandem Friends School is accredited by The Virginia Association of Independent Schools (VAIS). Founded in 1973, the Virginia Association of Independent Schools (VAIS) is the leader in advancing and advocating for independent school education in Virginia. The VAIS accreditation program is one of a select few recognized at the international level through the International Council Advancing Independent School Accreditation (ICAISA). VAIS also is recognized and approved by the Virginia Board of Education through the Virginia Council for Private Education (VCPE). Visit http://www.vais.org/home.


- Tandem Friends School is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), a nonprofit membership association that provides services to more than 1,800 accredited schools and accrediting associations of schools in the United States and abroad, including more than 1,500 independent private K-12 schools in the U.S. Visit http://www.nais.org/.

VCPE - Tandem Friends School is a member of The Virginia Council for Private Education (VCPE), which oversees accreditation of private preschool, elementary and secondary schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  VCPE facilitates a statewide framework for communication and cooperation among private schools, their public school counterparts, state and local governments, and other agencies and organizations. Visit http://www.vcpe.org/.

Constellation Learning - Tandem Friends School is a member of Constellation Learning (CL). CL brings together independent schools, teachers and students from around the world to provide innovative, in-depth online and blended learning. CL creates a globalized learning community through online courses taught by faculty at our partner schools. To create a seamless campus complement, CL supports schools with implementation, course development and successful student learning. Visit http://www.constellation-learning.org/.

Constellation Learning

Gender Spectrum - Tandem Friends School is a member of the Gender Spectrum Inclusive Schools Network, a learning community of educational professionals committed to creating school settings where every child’s gender is seen, understood, and honored. Visit 

Gender Spectrum

Tandem Friends School is a member of The Virginia Diversity Network, which was created as an association for Virginia independent schools to help promote diversity within our individual school cultures. Visit http://www.virginiadiversity.org/.

CAIS - Tandem Friends School is a member of Charlottesville Area Independent Schools (CAIS), composed of member schools with the goal of supporting our partnerships with each other and our surrounding community. As a group we value the diversity of educational opportunities that we offer through collaboration, shared resources, and sponsored community events that highlight the value of an independent school education. Visit http://www.facebook.com/CvilleAIS/.